Recap of June 2024 AMA with Co-Founders

Recap of June 2024 AMA with Co-Founders

Missed our live Twitter Spaces with the Partisia Blockchain Co-Founders? Fear not, here is the recap of one of our most awaited AMA sessions with Peter Frandsen, Brian Gallagher and Kurt Nielsen.

Kurt: We are focusing on DeFi and Real-World Assets (RWA) with a touch of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Web3 space needs to grow beyond its current user base. This requires expanding into new areas and addressing regulations and compliance, which Partisia Blockchain is well-equipped to handle.

Peter: We are moving from technology development to building solutions by creating standards and templates for DID, NFT and RWA, making it easier to develop products on our platform.

Brian: We have been working on, a SocialFi platform that combines decentralized finance with a creator platform, eliminating the middleman. Users get a Partisia Blockchain wallet for identification.

Questions and answers

1. What new marketing strategies are you considering implementing? How do you evaluate the effectiveness of your current strategies on the token price and the onboarding of new applications?

Brian: We are shifting our focus from technology development to product marketing, particularly in DeFi and RWA. We are also expanding our presence in the Asian market. Collaborating with high-profile key opinion leaders (KOLs) on platforms, like Telegram and YouTube, has been key. Over 60 Tier 1 KOLs and more than 200 lower-tier KOLs have helped distribute and create content about Partisia Blockchain. Our follower count has grown by nearly 30,000 (13%), Medium subscribers by almost 150% and our Discord community by nearly 130%.

2. How do you plan to attract new projects to increase utility? What are your thoughts on the potential benefits and drawbacks of attracting projects with varying levels of interest?

Kurt: We aim at high-quality projects and work with them to ensure proper adoption. Our mainnet supports all types of Web3 projects, focusing on DeFi and RWA. We are also working on high-profile projects in advertising, gaming, AI and confidential data management. Since January 2024, we have launched six projects on mainnet, have 20 projects in development, and added more than 300 leads to our funnel.

3. In what ways do meetings in locations, such as Ibiza and Split, contribute to securing partnerships and project signings?

Kurt: Conferences and industry meetings are crucial for securing partnerships. The TEAMZ and Nordic Blockchain Conferences allowed us to discuss our strategic direction in RWA and DID. The WHA and HIEx events exposed new audiences to blockchain’s value. Token2049 brought in many new leads.

4. How can you provide more precise details about your plans to reassure the community about Partisia Blockchain’s future?

Kurt: We are building the most advanced blockchain infrastructure. Our smart contract templates address issues like front-running while complying with regulations such as MiCA.

5. Can you explain the process and considerations behind the communication of the listings? How do you plan to keep the community better informed in the future?

Brian: Compliance considerations are crucial for exchange listings. We have communicated launch days in a compliant manner and plan more AMAs and interviews.

6. What information can you provide about the timeline for the conclusion of the AirDrop?

Peter: The first part of the AirDrop has ended, and we are moving to the claiming phase. Exact dates for the next phase are not available yet, as I am not doing it all by myself.

7. How does the roadmap support DeFi?

Kurt: A new landing page will soon present our DeFi package, including on-chain custody (MOCCA), DID solutions and an AMM solution.

8. Do you have any plans on improving access to information about upcoming AirDrops, such as providing a calendar or adding a referral system?

Peter: We will improve communication around AirDrops, utilizing more AirDrop sites and ensuring information is relayed to the community.

9. Is Partisia Blockchain planning on increasing media engagement through influencer videos on platforms, like YouTube, or is the team using other methods?

Brian: Yes, we plan to increase media engagement through influencer videos on platforms like YouTube.

10. How do you assess the market performance of the token since its launch? What reflections do you have on the initial public sale pricing of 40¢?

Brian: Our token is a utility token for running nodes. We cannot comment on prices of tokens, but I can say that we focus on its use and adoption in DeFi.

11. What are the most significant challenges Partisia Blockchain faces in onboarding new dApps?

Kurt: We can only talk about some projects, and we update regularly wherever we can. But at a high level, we have an extensive pipeline built and feel that the adoption is moving in the right direction.

12. What do you think about the team’s pivot towards new product-market fits, such as Real-World Assets (RWA) and artificial intelligence (AI)?

Kurt: We are focusing on AI by creating transparency in data used for training models and ensuring confidential use of this data. Additionally, we are integrating AI with Decentralized Identification (DID) to keep user preferences hidden while allowing AI to make decisions on their behalf.

13. How is Partisia Blockchain bringing United Nations’ SDG goals to life?

Peter: Partisia Blockchain is actively working on multiple projects, including a solution for the International Committee of the Red Cross and the implementation of eIDAS, the European standard for DID. Further details will be announced as these initiatives progress.

A recording of this session is available on Partisia Blockchain’s official X (Twitter) account. A special thank you to the community members that provided us with these questions. We look forward to answering the rest of them in our upcoming AMAs. 

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How to DeFi on Partisia Blockchain

How to DeFi on Partisia Blockchain

This is a demonstration of how to get started with DeFi on Partisia Blockchain focusing on interacting with smart contracts directly via blockchain explorer on TestNet and building DEXes based on the Scalable AMM framework developed by co-founder, Kurt Nielsen. There’s currently teams building out DeFi on Partisia Blockchain for MainNet – one example is zkCross Network.

This new AMM DEX design is intended for builders to reinvent traditional finance with a more fair and compliant DEX that ensures scalability, price guarantee, and frontrun protection – all features you will not find in a regular DEX model out-of-the-box. Note that this guide is a walkthrough of a low-level interface to learn the mechanics, and we are encouraging teams to take this and build a user-friendly DeFi app on top of these contracts. Is your team ready to build the next frontier of finance? Read more about our Grants Program.

First things first, let’s meet the testnet tokens and smart contract that we will be using in this guide.

MPC20 tokens

DEX contracts

Get tokens

Now, go to Partisia Blockchain’s Discord server and open a #support-ticket. Choose Developer Support option, and indicate you need test gas and IWH tokens. If you don’t have a wallet already, you can use Parti Wallet. Note: to show your MPC20 tokens in Parti Wallet, go to the “MPC20” tab and then “Manage Tokens”.

Swap via router

Here we use the DEX router for swapping across multiple pairs and liquidity pools to demonstrate the lock-swap price guarantee concept that can be used for building scalable DeFi that operates cross-chain and on multiple shards. In this case we will swap IWH to PPE.

1. Go IvanWifHat (IWH) token contract and sign in with your wallet.

2. Select “Approve” under the “INTERACT” dropdown.

3. Insert the smart contract address of DEX router in “Spender”, select the amount you want to swap (e.g. 50000), and hit “APPROVE” to sign the transaction via your wallet.

Remember IWH has 4 decimals e.g. if you want to approve 5 IWH, insert 50000 in “Amount”. In this guide we use 50000 in “Amount”.

Approval is needed before the DEX router can manage your tokens for the swap.

4. Now go to DEX router and select “Route swap” from the “INTERACT” dropdown.

5. Insert the smart contract address from IvanWifHat (IWH) in the “Token in” field and the smart contract address of PeterPepe (PPE) in “Token out”. Insert the amount you want to swap in “Amount in” e.g. 50000, and the minimum amount you are willing to receive from the swap in “Amount out minimum” e.g. 40000. Click “ADD ADDRESS” twice under “Swap route” and insert the smart contract addresses of QTK/IWH liquidity pool and PPE/QTK liquidity pool in respective order. This will define the route of your swap through liquidity pools. Adjust the gas fee to 500000 and hit “ROUTE SWAP”.

When you set the “Amount out minimum”, take into consideration that each liquidity pool takes a 3% swap fee, gas fees and slippage. In this example we use 50000 “Amount in” and 40000 “Amount out minimum”.


6. Examine the transaction hash to explore routing and the lock-swap price guarantee concept, and check the assets in your wallet.

Supply liquidity

Now, if you hold two tokens that correspond to a pair in a liquidity pool, you can become a liquidity provider (LP) to earn revenue from the fees paid by other users that swap.

First, make sure you have swapped your way to hold either QTK and IWH or PPE and QTK. In the below example we use QTK/IWH. See above section “Swap via router” for instructions.

1. Go to IvanWifHat (IWH) and approve the smart contract address of QTK/IWH liquidity pool to spend the amount of that token you want to supply as liquidity. Do the same for QuantumKurt (QTK).

Again, remember that IWH, QTK and PPE has 4 decimals.

2. Then go to QTK/IWH liquidity pool and select “Deposit” under “INTERACT”. Now insert the smart contract address of IvanWifHat (IWH), specify the amount, and hit “DEPOSIT”. Do the same for QuantumKurt (QTK).


3. Next, go to the QTK/IWH liquidity pool and select “Provide liquidity” under “INTERACT”. Then insert the smart contract address of IvanWifHat (IWH), specify the amount, and hit “PROVIDE LIQUIDITY”. Do the same for QuantumKurt (QTK).


4. Go QTK/IWH liquidity pool and examine the smart contract state to see your LP.

5. If you want to reclaim your liquidity and transfer the tokens back to your account, then use the “Reclaim liquidity” and “Withdraw” function.

Create new DEX and markets

You can find all DeFi smart contract templates here if you are interested in deploying your own DEX and explore all functionalities as operator. For more information on how to compile, deploy and interact with smart contracts, please visit the smart contract documentation. Connect with us on Discord for our tech Q&A and apply for our Grants Program if you are interested in building DeFi on mainnet.

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The first tranche of the AirDrop Program concludes

The first tranche of the AirDrop Program concludes

ZUG, 17 JUNE 2024. The first tranche of Partisia Blockchain’s highly anticipated 25 million MPC token AirDrop Program has ended. The rewards will be paid out soon after. We are pleased to see the heightened interest in the Partisia Blockchain AirDrop Program. The first tranche cemented the network’s strength and helped expand the ecosystem.

Important information

  • Claim process for first tranche rewards will open shortly, stay tuned,
  • First tranche end date: 17 June 2024,
  • Bridged tokens will remain as qualifying criteria for subsequent tranches, starting from today,
  • Next AirDrop tranche will be focusing on DeFi,
  • Terms and conditions: Click here.

The next tranche–already in the works–will help power our DeFi suite of solutions. Participants, who keep their tokens bridged on Partisia Blockchain, will benefit from an early qualifying criteria for the second tranche of the 25 million MPC token AirDrop Program. Our Program offers unique opportunities for its participants and helps gain firsthand experience with multiparty computation (MPC) technology and test new dApps.

The second tranche of the AirDrop Program will focus on DeFi and solutions, such as Scalable Automated Market Makers (Scalable AMM), Interoperability (BYOC), Cross-Chain Custody (MOCCA) and Digital Identity. During the second tranche, planned for 2024, dApps and projects scaling DeFi solutions will be deployed on mainnet and expand the scope of new use cases.

We congratulate the participants of the début tranche and encourage them to participate in the next part of the Program.

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