How to DeFi on Partisia Blockchain

How to DeFi on Partisia Blockchain

This is a demonstration of how to get started with DeFi on Partisia Blockchain focusing on interacting with smart contracts directly via blockchain explorer on TestNet and building DEXes based on the Scalable AMM framework developed by co-founder, Kurt Nielsen. There’s currently teams building out DeFi on Partisia Blockchain for MainNet – one example is zkCross Network.

This new AMM DEX design is intended for builders to reinvent traditional finance with a more fair and compliant DEX that ensures scalability, price guarantee, and frontrun protection – all features you will not find in a regular DEX model out-of-the-box. Note that this guide is a walkthrough of a low-level interface to learn the mechanics, and we are encouraging teams to take this and build a user-friendly DeFi app on top of these contracts. Is your team ready to build the next frontier of finance? Read more about our Grants Program.

First things first, let’s meet the testnet tokens and smart contract that we will be using in this guide.

MPC20 tokens

DEX contracts

Get tokens

Now, go to Partisia Blockchain’s Discord server and open a #support-ticket. Choose Developer Support option, and indicate you need test gas and IWH tokens. If you don’t have a wallet already, you can use Parti Wallet. Note: to show your MPC20 tokens in Parti Wallet, go to the “MPC20” tab and then “Manage Tokens”.

Swap via router

Here we use the DEX router for swapping across multiple pairs and liquidity pools to demonstrate the lock-swap price guarantee concept that can be used for building scalable DeFi that operates cross-chain and on multiple shards. In this case we will swap IWH to PPE.

1. Go IvanWifHat (IWH) token contract and sign in with your wallet.

2. Select “Approve” under the “INTERACT” dropdown.

3. Insert the smart contract address of DEX router in “Spender”, select the amount you want to swap (e.g. 50000), and hit “APPROVE” to sign the transaction via your wallet.

Remember IWH has 4 decimals e.g. if you want to approve 5 IWH, insert 50000 in “Amount”. In this guide we use 50000 in “Amount”.

Approval is needed before the DEX router can manage your tokens for the swap.

4. Now go to DEX router and select “Route swap” from the “INTERACT” dropdown.

5. Insert the smart contract address from IvanWifHat (IWH) in the “Token in” field and the smart contract address of PeterPepe (PPE) in “Token out”. Insert the amount you want to swap in “Amount in” e.g. 50000, and the minimum amount you are willing to receive from the swap in “Amount out minimum” e.g. 40000. Click “ADD ADDRESS” twice under “Swap route” and insert the smart contract addresses of QTK/IWH liquidity pool and PPE/QTK liquidity pool in respective order. This will define the route of your swap through liquidity pools. Adjust the gas fee to 500000 and hit “ROUTE SWAP”.

When you set the “Amount out minimum”, take into consideration that each liquidity pool takes a 3% swap fee, gas fees and slippage. In this example we use 50000 “Amount in” and 40000 “Amount out minimum”.


6. Examine the transaction hash to explore routing and the lock-swap price guarantee concept, and check the assets in your wallet.

Supply liquidity

Now, if you hold two tokens that correspond to a pair in a liquidity pool, you can become a liquidity provider (LP) to earn revenue from the fees paid by other users that swap.

First, make sure you have swapped your way to hold either QTK and IWH or PPE and QTK. In the below example we use QTK/IWH. See above section “Swap via router” for instructions.

1. Go to IvanWifHat (IWH) and approve the smart contract address of QTK/IWH liquidity pool to spend the amount of that token you want to supply as liquidity. Do the same for QuantumKurt (QTK).

Again, remember that IWH, QTK and PPE has 4 decimals.

2. Then go to QTK/IWH liquidity pool and select “Deposit” under “INTERACT”. Now insert the smart contract address of IvanWifHat (IWH), specify the amount, and hit “DEPOSIT”. Do the same for QuantumKurt (QTK).


3. Next, go to the QTK/IWH liquidity pool and select “Provide liquidity” under “INTERACT”. Then insert the smart contract address of IvanWifHat (IWH), specify the amount, and hit “PROVIDE LIQUIDITY”. Do the same for QuantumKurt (QTK).


4. Go QTK/IWH liquidity pool and examine the smart contract state to see your LP.

5. If you want to reclaim your liquidity and transfer the tokens back to your account, then use the “Reclaim liquidity” and “Withdraw” function.

Create new DEX and markets

You can find all DeFi smart contract templates here if you are interested in deploying your own DEX and explore all functionalities as operator. For more information on how to compile, deploy and interact with smart contracts, please visit the smart contract documentation. Connect with us on Discord for our tech Q&A and apply for our Grants Program if you are interested in building DeFi on mainnet.

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World Health Assembly: Partisia Blockchain revolutionizing fundraising

World Health Assembly: Partisia Blockchain revolutionizing fundraising

In the last week of May, the global healthcare community convened in Geneva for the 77th annual World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization. This significant event brought together corporate leaders, including pharmaceutical giants, insurance groups and hospital conglomerates, alongside government delegations from around the world. The assembly aimed to address pressing global health issues and explore innovative solutions.

A standout feature of our presence in Geneva was the active participation of Partisia Blockchain and its partner, the UNAIDS spin-off Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx). HIEx organized a series of high-profile events that tackled critical healthcare topics. Attendees included senior executives from Fortune 500 companies, healthcare professionals, fund managers, major foundations, technological innovators, donors, and high-ranking government officials, including ministers, vice ministers and ambassadors from multiple countries.

On 29 May 2024, Partisia Blockchain and HIEx marked a momentous occasion by unveiling a groundbreaking solution during a joint session. HIEx introduced a new platform,, powered by Partisia Blockchain. This platform built on our technology addresses a significant challenge in healthcare fundraising: the lack of transparency regarding the impact of donations. revolutionizes the donation process by providing a simple one-click donation feature coupled with transparent value-chain reporting throughout the lifecycle of donated funds. This innovation allows donors to see the direct impact their contributions are making, enhancing trust and accountability.

Partisia Blockchain plays a pivotal role in this process by facilitating a one-to-one matching of donations with a stable token that is minted, used and tracked to ensure the traceability of each donation’s impact on supported causes. This cutting-edge technology was showcased to global delegations, demonstrating the transformative potential of blockchain and multiparty computation (MPC) technologies.

Our MPC technology is transforming healthcare, research and supply chains. This technology further enhances the capabilities of blockchain, offering new dimensions of security and privacy that are crucial for the healthcare sector. Here is how MPC is transforming various sectors:

Healthcare data privacy: MPC allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This is particularly valuable in healthcare, where patient data privacy is paramount. MPC enables secure data analysis and sharing among healthcare providers without compromising patient confidentiality, leading to better diagnosis and treatment outcomes.

Collaborative research: In the research sector, MPC facilitates secure collaboration between institutions. Researchers can share and analyze sensitive data without exposing it to unauthorized parties. This accelerates the pace of medical discoveries while maintaining data privacy and security.

Pharmaceutical industry: MPC technology ensures secure sharing of proprietary data among pharmaceutical companies during medicine development. It enables collaborative research and development while protecting intellectual property, thus fostering innovation, reducing inefficiencies and accelerating the creation of new therapies.

Medical supply chain management: MPC enhances supply chain transparency and security. By ensuring that sensitive information, such as components, pricing and supplier details, is protected, MPC allows stakeholders to verify the authenticity and quality of medical supplies without exposing confidential data. This leads to a more reliable and efficient supply chain.

Partisia Blockchain is proud to partner with HIEx in this groundbreaking initiative. Through this collaboration, we are making significant strides in realizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). represents a critical first step in creating innovative solutions that address real-world issues in both the public and private sectors.

The 77th World Health Assembly highlighted the critical role of innovative technologies like blockchain in addressing global healthcare challenges. The unveiling of by HIEx and Partisia Blockchain showcases the transformative potential of blockchain in creating transparent, efficient and impactful solutions for the healthcare sector. As we continue to advance these technologies, our commitment to supporting the UN SDGs remains unwavering. Through strategic partnerships and continuous innovation, we aim to transform the healthcare landscape, solving some of the world’s most pressing healthcare problems and making a tangible impact on global health and well-being.

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Launch of transforming healthcare funding

Launch of transforming healthcare funding

GENEVA, 11 JUNE 2024. Partisia Blockchain announces the launch of, an innovative fundraising platform developed by the Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx) and powered by Partisia Blockchain and its multiparty computation (MPC) technology. This pioneering platform is set to transform the landscape of healthcare fundraising by addressing a critical issue: the lack of transparency in demonstrating the impact of donations.

Health Innovation Exchange is dedicated to improving access to healthcare worldwide. With the introduction of, HIEx tackles the longstanding challenge of transparency in fundraising. For the first time, offers not only a simple one-click donation feature, but also transparent value-chain reporting throughout the lifecycle of donated funds. This transformative approach ensures that donors can see the direct impact of their contributions, fostering trust and accountability.

Partisia Blockchain plays a pivotal role in this process by creating a one-to-one match between donations and a stable token. This token is minted, utilized and meticulously tracked to ensure full transparency of the impact each donation makes on the supported cause. By leveraging its technology, Partisia Blockchain ensures that every transaction is secure, transparent and immutable, setting a new standard in the healthcare fundraising sector.

Peter Frandsen, Chief Technology Officer at Partisia Blockchain, says:

“We are honored to partner with the Health Innovation Exchange. Through this collaboration, which commenced in Davos during the World Economic Forum, we reaffirm our commitment to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our technology not only enhances transparency and accountability in healthcare donations, but also drives significant progress towards achieving the SDGs.”

Benefits of Partisia Blockchain and MPC in healthcare:

Enhanced transparency and accountability: Partisia Blockchain’s immutable and transparent nature ensures that all transactions and data are verifiable and secure. leverages this capability to provide real-time, transparent reporting of fund utilization, thereby increasing donor trust and accountability.

Secure and efficient data management: Partisia Blockchain offers a robust framework for managing and sharing sensitive healthcare data. This ensures that information remains confidential and tamper-proof, leading to improved patient outcomes and streamlined operations.

Improved supply chain management: By providing end-to-end visibility, blockchain ensures that medical supplies are authentic and have been stored and transported under the right conditions. This reduces the risk of counterfeit drugs and enhances patient safety, which plagues many countries in the developing world.

Facilitating interoperability: Partisia Blockchain can serve as a universal protocol for information exchange, enabling seamless access and sharing of critical data across various healthcare platforms and systems.

The launch of underscores our commitment to bringing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to life. Specifically:

SDG 3: Good health and well-being: Partisia Blockchain and MPC enhance the efficiency and transparency of healthcare systems, ensuring that resources are used effectively to improve health outcomes.

SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure: By integrating advanced technologies like blockchain and MPC, we build resilient healthcare infrastructures that support sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals: Collaborative efforts between entities like Partisia Blockchain and HIEx exemplify the power of partnerships in achieving the SDGs.

This endeavor once again emphasizes the transformative impact of Partisia Blockchain and multiparty computation technology on the healthcare industry and steps being made towards bringing the UN Sustainable Development Goals to life.

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