Unveiling the future of Web3 at the European Blockchain Convention

Unveiling the future of Web3 at the European Blockchain Convention

The European Blockchain Convention, held in Barcelona on 25-26 October 2023, was a celebration of Web3 innovation, attracting passionate individuals and organizations eager to shape the digital future. As an attendee, I had the pleasure of meeting numerous Web3 projects and industry experts who expressed genuine enthusiasm about Partisia Blockchain’s revolutionary applications of secure multiparty computation technology (MPC) and hybrid blockchains.

It was heartening to see how they not only appreciated our contributions to privacy-enhancing technologies and blockchain infrastructure but also wanted to continue the conversation, with the aim of becoming builders within our ecosystem.

The convention served as a testament to the collaborative spirit and shared vision of creating a more decentralized, user-centric digital world. Over these two days, attendees were treated to enlightening talks from some of the industry’s finest minds and exposed to game-changing topics such as privacy, secure infrastructure, Real World Assets (RWA), digital identity, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, and interoperability. In this recap, we will delve into the highlights of this groundbreaking convention and the key takeaways that promise to shape the future of Web3.

Privacy takes center stage

Privacy has always been a concern in the digital age, and the Web3 movement is no exception. At the European Blockchain Convention, it became clear that privacy is a fundamental pillar of the Web3 ecosystem. Discussions revolved around how blockchain technology and state-of-the-art cryptography such as MPC and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) can offer users and businesses greater control over their data, preserve privacy and comply with regulations, while still being able to compute on it. Solutions that ensure data sovereignty while enabling secure and private computation were showcased, setting the stage for a future where privacy is not compromised for convenience.

Building secure infrastructure

Web3 is all about decentralization and putting control back in the hands of users. Building secure infrastructure is essential to achieving this goal. The convention brought together a diverse group of experts, infrastructure builders, and enterprises dedicated to creating scalable and decentralized networks with high performance and interpretability to other ecosystems. The discussions highlighted the vital role of infrastructure in the success of Web3 projects and the importance of continuous innovation in this field.

Real-world assets (RWA) unleashed

Web3’s potential goes far beyond digital currencies and non-fungible tokens. Real World Assets (RWA) are making their presence known, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. Several projects showcased at the convention are pioneering solutions that enable the representation and transfer of real-world assets on blockchain networks. This innovation is set to revolutionize industries such as real estate, finance, and supply chain management by tokenizing assets and unlocking new opportunities for global trade and investment.

Digital identity reinvented

Digital identity is at the core of Web3’s promise to empower individuals in the digital space. Convention attendees learned how blockchain technology is redefining digital identity, putting users in control of their personal information. Projects focused on self-sovereign identity and decentralized identity management solutions are emerging as key players in the Web3 ecosystem. The discussions at the event explored the importance of identity ownership, the elimination of central authorities, and the protection of user data. Several identity projects showed great interest in the prospect of Partisia Blockchain’s MPC technology that can enhance digital identity with self-sovereign storage and private computation.

ESG principles and Web3

A significant addition to the conversations at the convention was the integration of ESG principles into Web3 technologies. Environmental, Social, and Governance factors are increasingly seen as essential components of sustainable and responsible business practices. Many Web3 projects and enterprises are actively incorporating ESG considerations into their strategies. This commitment to sustainability and ethical governance aligns with the broader global movement towards a more environmentally friendly, equitable, and responsible future.

One groundbreaking topic that garnered significant attention was the tokenization of carbon credits. Several Web3 projects are pioneering the digitization of carbon credits, which allows for more accessible and efficient trading and tracking of carbon emissions. By incorporating blockchain technology, Web3 is poised to revolutionize the way we combat climate change. This innovative approach facilitates transparency in carbon trading, encourages environmental responsibility, and furthers the cause of reducing carbon footprints.

Embracing interoperability

Interoperability emerged as a pivotal theme at the convention, underscoring the need for different blockchain networks and Web3 projects to work seamlessly together. The Web3 ecosystem thrives when disparate platforms can communicate and transact with one another. Projects showcased solutions for cross-chain interoperability, allowing assets and data to flow freely between different blockchains. This interconnected Web3 infrastructure promises to unlock new levels of innovation and efficiency by fostering collaboration across the ecosystem.


The European Blockchain Convention in Barcelona was a testament to the growing momentum of the Web3 movement. With a keen focus on privacy, secure infrastructure, Real World Assets (RWA), digital identity, ESG principles, and interoperability, the event provided a snapshot of the innovations and solutions that are shaping the future of Web3.

As we move forward, these discussions and projects will continue to play a pivotal role in building a decentralized, user-centric digital world that addresses the challenges of today and paves the way for a brighter tomorrow. We were honored to witness the strong interest in Partisia Blockchain’s MPC technology and the desire of many projects to join our ecosystem, and we look forward to forging new alliances and innovations in the Web3 landscape.

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DelNorte — Increasing efficiency and combating corruption: the power of blockchain-based bureaucracy


Increasing efficiency and combating corruption: the power of blockchain-based bureaucracy

Guest blog from Anton Glotser, CEO of DelNorte

DelNorte is digitizing, tokenizing and monetizing bureaucratic processes. In governments and corporations bureaucracy is often time consuming, cumbersome and in the worst cases prone to corruption. Many governments and some corporations are still using the millenia-old method of pen and paper for bureaucratic processes. Our partnership with Partisia will help us modernize that process.

DelNorte solves the problem of security, transparency, frequency, efficiency, scalability, fidelity and friction. By converting physical documents to digital and storing them on the blockchain we solve about 95% of the problems associated with traditional paperwork. Not only does this greatly improve quality and security of the data, but our solution provides an unfathomable amount of ancillary benefits. Having guaranteed and secure real time data associated with physical assets, such as real estate deeds on the blockchain, makes the assets represented by these smart tokens significantly more valuable.

Working with Partisia Blockchain offers several notable benefits both for us and our clients. Partisia Blockchain utilizes cutting-edge cryptographic techniques like secure multiparty computation (MPC) to ensure that sensitive data remains confidential even while being processed on the blockchain. It addresses scalability challenges by enabling efficient computation and data processing. As we occasionally get requests for a variety of blockchains, Partisia accommodates us with their interoperability across blockchains and systems. Also dealing with governments security is a top priority for us. Partisia utilizes advanced cryptographic techniques to protect data and transactions. The last important point is our ability with Partisia to mold a variety of regulations and customization to specific use cases and business requirements.

We have contracts for pilot projects in El Salvador, Mexico and Honduras. Our most advanced and tested project is in El Salvador. There we have live transactions and are now expanding to other services like digital signatures stored on chain, and a national expansion for tokenized deeds and titles.

We also have a product called Kasas.io, it is a real estate search engine and marketplace that allows anyone to buy, sell, rent or invest in whole property or fractions of real estate remotely and completely legally in all of Latin America. In the places where we have a direct link to the government we can even perform 100% digital remote real estate transactions for purchase or sale, with digital NFT deeds and titles issued virtually on chain and recognized by the government as official. You can hop on a plane and buy a house mid-flight, and by the time you land in that country (El Salvador at the moment), you will already own the house.

DelNorte stock is registered and we are currently raising US$2 million for 20% of the company to fuel our national and international growth. We are in the process of expanding to about a dozen countries in Latin America but also into parts of the USA. We are expanding our tech stack and our private sector operations for automated real estate transactions. If you are interested in learning more about us or investing, please check us out on all social media at https://delnorte.io or for questions about investment email us at ag@delnorte.io

Partisia Blockchain and your obligations

Elevating business ethics with Partisia Blockchain: your compliance partner

In the ever-evolving landscape of regulations, a multitude of rules and safeguards has emerged, from antitrust laws to data protection rights, designed to uphold ethical standards and protect individuals from exploitation in a rapidly changing world. However, the blockchain industry, despite its transformative potential, faces a notable gap in regulatory compliance and ethical conduct, owing to its inherent transparency and anonymity.

Partisia Blockchain emerges as the vanguard of change, offering innovative solutions that bridge this gap and establish a new paradigm of integrity in business.

Empowering ethical behavior through privacy

Illustrating GDPR compliance

One of the most prominent and far-reaching regulations in the realm of data privacy is the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR, along with similar laws worldwide, dictates the governance of personal and sensitive data, with a key requirement that such data remains within a specific geographical region. This presents a formidable challenge for traditional blockchains, given their inherent transparency and the global distribution of nodes.

Partisia Blockchain, however, is uniquely attuned to regulatory requirements. We have introduced a pioneering feature known as “jurisdiction management” into our system. This remarkable capability empowers users to designate data that must remain within nodes situated in a specific jurisdiction. By leveraging secure multiparty computation (MPC), developers can selectively privatize data, ensuring compliance with stringent data privacy laws while preserving the integrity of the blockchain.

A new dawn of privacy-enabled business ethics

Illustrating private voting

In the realm of corporate governance and shareholder meetings, stringent rules exist to ensure the fairness and impartiality of votes. Maintaining the confidentiality of individual votes is paramount. However, traditional blockchain voting mechanisms, as seen in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), suffer from complete transparency, making it challenging to protect voter privacy. Existing techniques to privatize votes often stumble due to scalability constraints or the inadvertent revelation of votes after the tally.

Partisia Blockchain introduces a game-changing solution through secure MPC, allowing computation of vote results without disclosing the specifics of individual votes on the blockchain. This innovative approach guarantees an immutable voting record, upholding the highest securities standards while preserving voter anonymity. It is a trustless system that harmonizes blockchain technology with compliance, setting new standards for ethical conduct.

A future of ethical compliance

Partisia Blockchain stands as the vanguard of a revolution in the blockchain industry, where privacy and compliance are not just buzzwords, but integral components of the ecosystem. Our solutions transcend the limitations of transparency and anonymity, offering a bridge to ethical and regulatory compliance.

In this rapidly evolving business landscape, where rules and regulations shape the playing field, trust in blockchain technology is not just a vision; it is a reality. Embrace Partisia Blockchain, and unlock the future of ethical, compliant, and privacy-respecting business practices. It is time to redefine the rules and raise the standard of ethical conduct in your organization.