January 2023 update

January 2023 update

Hello Partisians,

We had an amazing January to start the year 2022 and are proud to share some of the big updates here with you today.

Mainnet beta update

Last week, we added another 64 block producers to the network, bringing the network to 128 global validators. At the time of writing, Partisia Blockchain mainnet beta has finalized 452,927 transactions across three shards. The network run time has been 100% with zero outages. This is a major accomplishment and we’re excited to add another node operator committee and stress test the network during February 2022.

Node Operator AMA

On 27 January 2023, Partisia Blockchain Co-Founders Kurt Nielsen, Peter Frandsen, and Brian Gallagher hosted the first ever video AMA for the Node Operators. It started with a thorough presentation from Kurt regarding the different nodes the network can run, the built in incentives, and near time road map. After the presentation, the team answered questions from the community.

Public sale details

The much anticipated public sale details are finally coming together! As the official mainnet genesis block is currently planned for March, the public sale will occur shortly after. There are a few variables to consider regarding the actual mainnet launch time and the Foundation remains flexible on the exact launch date based on the following:

  1. Open sourcing the libraries during February and the associated bug bounty campaigns. The results of these campaigns have a heavy weight on the determination of the final launch date.
  2. Node Operator stability. As more node operators enter the committee during February the network requires 24/7 monitoring to ensure stability is still 100% and the new Node Operators are properly managing their nodes. Node Operators who fail to maintain a stable node will have to be bounced from the committees before launch.
  3. Based on the findings of these campaigns, the schedule for mainnet launch can change and the Foundation maintains its complete discretion over the exact date. For now, we are comfortable to say mainnet is on schedule still for a March launch and at latest a spring launch.

Public Sale Platform: Partisia Blockchain will host its own public sale on our own platform. You must complete kyc.partisiablockchain.com to be eligible for the sale. Beware of any fake sales or scam attempts. The sale will be conducted from the official partisiablockchain.com website and nowhere else.

Price: US$0.40/MPC token

Vesting: Two-year quarterly unlock starting at TGE

Sale Quantity: Limited- minimum cap US$5 million, maximum cap US$40 million.

Twitter account verified

Our Twitter account was verified with a blue check mark by Twitter. This is quite an accomplishment for such an early stage project to get that type of recognition. Please make sure to give us a follow on Twitter if you have not already done so.

Open source and bug bounty campaign with our partner Immunefi

Over the course of the next week, we will begin to open source some of our libraries and launch bug bounty campaigns with our partner Immunefi. The details of this campaign will come in a separate blog post.

Short film

We have opened a new, official YouTube account and produced a short film showcasing our project. Be one of the first viewers here:

Discord launch

We have launched our official discord channel! Here is an invite link for you to join and get integrated into our bustling community: https://discord.gg/JEx7H8XY

Next up — February!

It is going to be a high stakes month during February as we test our infrastructure with open source bug bounty campaigns. Beyond that, we are growing our community. With the new discord server now in operation, we plan to onboard tens of thousands of new users to the community this month. Please get involved by joining the Discord. You can also expect another AMA and more video content.

Partisia Blockchain Team

Stay updated:

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Demeter — MPC-as-a-Service

Demeter — MPC-as-a-Service

There are 7 proprietary innovations that deliver Partisia Blockchain’s complete Layer 1+2 Blockchain. In this blog we present the fifth innovative feature — MPC-as-a-Service — we call it Demeter.

For an overview of all of the 7 features see the Zeus blog. We present each of the 7 innovations with a unique post leading up to TGE on May 31, 2022.

Demeter — MPC-as-a-Service

The single most important contribution of the Partisia Blockchain project is to bring general privacy-preserving computation to blockchain and most notably Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC). MPC is a revolutionary technology that allows us to protect our data, not only when they are being stored or communicated, but also while they are being processed.

Using Secure Multiparty Computation, individuals and organizations can allow their private data to be used for a certain purpose, while retaining complete control over the data. One example is a new type of “data exchange” where the data owners remain in control of their data and where only the result of privacy-preserving computation is shared or exchanged. This allows citizens to participate in continuous assessment of healthcare treatment or for competing companies to share best practice for the greater good. Another example is financial markets, where private order books can be matched continuously and only matching trades executed. These are just two examples of services already developed and tested in real life — we believe that the Partisia Blockchain dApps ecosystem will reveal the true power of MPC-as-a-Service as a core part of WEB 3.0.

To be secure and efficient, MPC requires participation of multiple parties that share the computational work to be done. This avoids having to trust any single party, but also leads to practical challenges related to coordination of the computing parties and managing the communication with the data owners.

This is why the entire Partisia Blockchain is designed for secure and efficient orchestration of MPC-as-a-Service. The team behind the project has pioneered MPC and delivered commercial grade MPC since 2008. Partisia Blockchain is probably the most ambitious MPC platform and it comes with an extensive set of tools and a new set of MPC protocols called REAL. A core feature is efficient preprocessing that utilizes all the blockchain orchestration of many nodes to the fullest extent to speed up realtime use of MPC. We call this Demeter MPC-as-a-Service and claim that we set a new standard for how to conduct any type of privacy-preserving computations within and beyond the blockchain ecosystem.

For more details, please checkout the yellow paper, software documentation and the Medium blogs.

Please let us know what you think and stay tuned for the next blog post about the unified public and private smart contracts, called Apollo.

Thank you to everyone in our community for your support!

Partisia Blockchain Team

Athena — Zero-Knowledge Layer

Athena — Zero-Knowledge Layer

There are 7 proprietary innovations that deliver Partisia Blockchain’s complete Layer 1+2 Blockchain. In this blog we present the fourth innovative feature — the zero-knowledge layer — we call it Athena.

For an overview of all of the 7 features see the Zeus blog. We present each of the 7 innovations with a unique post leading up to TGE on May 31, 2022.

Athena — Zero-Knowledge Layer

“The lack of confidentiality and privacy on blockchains is obvious and hampers their uptake and use”. This is the first line of the white paper and the starting point of the Partisia Blockchain as the project is all about bringing privacy to blockchain.

Current mainstream blockchain technology provides full transparency about transactions and a pseudonymized representation of the users. Adding privacy in terms of “private transactions” to this mainstream blockchain model is challenging as one cannot both have private transactions and be anonymous. Another often overlooked problem is the privacy problem around the data used prior to a transaction as opposed to the transaction itself. As an example, it may require the use of private data across hundreds of potential buyers and sellers to get to a single transaction. Providing privacy to this part is what has the potential to turn the current business model in the internet economy upside down and put the user back in control of their own data.

The Partisia Blockchain is designed to bring privacy to blockchain in a regulatory compliant and flexible way. The basic design choice is to build privacy on top of a transparent mainstream blockchain model. This allows us to design a highly efficient and scalable consensus and execution laid out in the Poseidon and Iris blog. Privacy-preserving computation is added as a service on top of the basic blockchain. From an application developer’s or designer’s point of view, this allows for any arbitrary mix of transparency and privacy. The privacy-preserving computation makes it even possible to add privacy to the extent needed — and you can even have complete privacy. As an example of this, consider a dApp with its own private transactions built on the Partisia Blockchain, this way any audit request can be done with privacy-preserving computation and the transactions can remain private in a regulatory compliant way.

The privacy-preserving computation is provided and operated exclusively by accredited ZK nodes in known jurisdictions. This further enables dApps to be regulatory compliant with data protection regulation like GDPR for two main reasons:

  • First, Personal Identifiable Information (PII) never enters the transparent blockchain; it is managed exclusively by the ZK nodes and in encrypted form.
  • Second, with jurisdiction management on the ZK nodes, the PII data stays within a given jurisdiction and remains encrypted.

Hereby, Partisia Blockchain enable basic GDPR requirements like the “Right to privacy” (Data is kept private in all stages: at rest, in transit and process) and “Right to be forgotten” (Data is used ad hoc and the encrypted data used in zero-knowledge computations are deleted after use).

For more details, please checkout the yellow paper and software documentation.

Please let us know what you think and stay tuned for the next blog post about MPC-As-A-Service, called Demeter.

Thank you to everyone in our community for your support!

Partisia Blockchain Team