Partisia Blockchain Foundation Appoints Tiago Serôdio as Head of Community

Partisia Blockchain Foundation Appoints Tiago Serôdio as Head of Community

ZÜRICH, 29 March 2023. Partisia Blockchain Foundation announces the appointment of Tiago Fernandes Serôdio as the Head of Community, effective immediately. This strategic move underlines the fourth generation blockchain’s firm commitment to optimizing community engagement and aligning with growth objectives. His appointment is a testament to Partisia Blockchain’s pledge to quality leadership and top-notch talent acquisition.

Tiago brings over 10 years of experience building and running communities, as well as marketing campaigns, including his notable work at the Cardano Foundation where he designed and implemented the flagship Ambassador Program, expanded its global reach and introduced the first self-governance program.

In his new role at Partisia Blockchain, Tiago will collaborate with the senior leadership team to provide expert guidance on scaling and diversifying the community. He will focus on implementing a community engagement strategy that will enhance the management, growth, and diversification of the community, with an eye on future adoption and use cases. Tiago is poised to streamline the community management function and set on a path to further success.

Kurt Nielsen, President of Partisia Blockchain Foundation, is confident that Tiago’s appointment will take the community to new heights. He remarked, “Tiago’s extensive skills and expertise will serve as a catalyst for Partisia Blockchain’s growth by reinforcing our community and pivoting focus towards adoption and use cases. With Tiago’s valuable insights, we look forward to expanding and diversifying our community profile, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.”

Before joining Partisia Blockchain, Tiago held several senior management positions at various organizations, including Zilliqa, HUMAN Protocol and Occam Group, where he implemented and refined community-driven initiatives. He was instrumental in turning less known altcoin to Top Five market cap in 2017 as part of the original Dash team. Tiago is also one of the founding partners of Syyx, a Web3 marketing agency built by former Cardano ecosystem executives and domain experts.

Tiago’s distinguished academic credentials speak to his deep commitment to professional development. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University Institute of Maia (Portugal) and an Audio Engineering certification from the SAE Institute of Technology in Barcelona (Spain). He is currently pursuing his Master of Science degree in Blockchain and Business Applications from the prestigious Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain).

Partisia Blockchain is privileged to have Tiago Serôdio as the Head of Community and looks forward to his contributions to growth and success. His appointment is a significant milestone in the journey towards achieving ambitious goals and continuing to serve as a leading fourth generation blockchain.

About Partisia Blockchain Foundation: Partisia Blockchain brings unparalleled opportunities by empowering privacy-preserving, interoperable and sustainable innovation for fairness and transparency. It fuels the most secure and efficient networks to solve global problems. Distilled with more than 30 years of rigorous research, Partisia Blockchain future-proofs solutions, solves tomorrow’s challenges by powering fair, secure, distribution of benefits. While preserving privacy and confidentiality, it brings accountable, transparent and decentralized governance. Learn more:

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Secure voting through Partisia Blockchain

Secure voting through Partisia Blockchain

Voting is an integral part of the election process. It is important to have transparent and tamper-proof voting systems that can be trusted through no single centralized authority whether it is selecting your class president in high school, voting as a shareholder in a listed company or electing government officials.

Through the distributed ledger system, we have a way to ensure transparency where all votes can be logged in an immutable record system. Each voter is accounted for in the blockchain. When the vote is cast, both voter ID as well as who or what they voted for is also recorded in a permanent way. But what about the privacy of the individuals and whom they casted their votes for?

Figure 1: Traditional blockchain voting

This is one of many challenges Partisia Blockchain solves though the use of cryptography and mathematics. Through multiparty computation (MPC) technology, our solution shows verifiable proof of an accurate election without revealing any details about the voter. But how does this work?

Figure 2: Unified public and private voting

Multiparty computation is a technology created in the 1980s that allows computation of results while keeping their input private, enabling trust between mutually distrustful parties. In the voting example, we use shamir’s secret sharing to have the smart contract create a random line that intersects with the vote details that have been vectorized. In the example below, candidate 1 is represented by 0 and candidate 2 is represented by 1. Four random points are chosen from this line, and each point is sent to a separate MPC node for computation. Through these lines, we can compute on finding the winner without revealing who each person voted for.

Figure 3: Shamir’s secret sharing

For additional insights on this use case, come and watch our Q&A session we did on this topic.

By creating a programming language that allows for developers to use MPC in a generic way, Partisia Blockchain Foundation has made the creation of applications that can harness the power of MPC for different use cases a possibility. Partisia has been at the forefront of providing private MPC solutions since 2008. And by layering this technology on top of an interoperable and scalable blockchain, Partisia Blockchain is now paving a way for anyone to create solutions that can balance privacy and transparency to build trust.

To learn more about different use cases or partner with us for solutions, please visit, check out our smart contract examples or email our head of developer relations at

February 2023 update

February 2023 update

Hello spring!

The shortest month of the year was a time of steady progress. The first voting on blockchain being the highlight, updates to our staking tools were also February’s highlights. Team members from Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, US and the United Arab Emirates convened in Aarhus for a strategic sprint meeting. In-person gathering in Central Jutland took the pulse of the current progress to date against the roadmap, outlined the plans for the remainder of the year and finalized the near-term strategy of key functions. Stay tuned for exciting new developments and be the first to know.

Bienvenue au vote blockchain!

The first-ever voting on Partisia blockchain went live in February. The inaugural voting on our blockchain is the first of many applications of our technology. This vote showcases the untapped potential of the secure, transparent and privacy-preserving ZK technology for voting. We teamed up with the Paris Blockchain Week to power their début Awards in selecting the crème de la crème of the blockchain industry. The voting is on, a unique social network run on our blockchain. Voting on blockchain allows users to securely vote on chain utilizing our tamper-proof technology.

Users can cast their votes for their nominee in each category, except People’s Choice Award and Prix du Jury, until 23 March 2023. The Award ceremony at the Carrousel du Louvre will take place on the last day of the Paris Blockchain Week. The Partisia Blockchain team will be in the French capital attending Europe’s largest blockchain industry gathering. We will be announcing a few things on the ground. So, rendez-vous à Paris during 21–23 March 2023!

As we welcome the spring, we will be also initiating a few community initiatives in March and rolling out various programs. We hope to involve our community regularly and host regular Q&A sessions, attend community-led meet-ups and introduce incentives. More details will come during this spring.

Version 2 of staking site

Last month, we released version 2 of our staking site. As part of the revamp, we released alongside a major change. This allows the community to stake both locked and unlocked tokens. In this release, we also updated our staking instructions and held two AMAs (instructions and reward model).

Jurisdiction management V1.0 — support for regulatory compliance

In the age of GDPR and tighter regulatory environment, we continue to show our leadership in the compliance space by launching jurisdiction management to ZK smart contracts. This allows developers control over where in the world the secret data of your contracts reside, ensuring your business can meet regulatory requirements even in the blockchain space.

Transferability of BYOC tokens available in testnet

In testnet, transferability of BYOC as well as MPC tokens are now enabled. Now you will be able to create contracts for transferring assets across accounts. You can also begin testing our unique swap capabilities on our testnet. We highly encourage all developers to try this out.

Improvements to block producers orchestration contract

In the node community news, we made improvements in the BPOC contract. Active committee members, which were dropped due to server issues during a new committee vote process, now can re-enter the committee the following month without the need for a new committee vote.

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