Conference thoughts: Part 3

Conference thoughts: Part 3

During the month of September, I will be traveling to a few conferences, and doing a few speaking engagements. As a part of the conference going, I will be providing a few thoughts on what I have seen, people and projects I have met and the changes and trends emerging in the last year or so in the industry.

It felt like we are finally beginning to see a migration from an asset driven ecosystem to companies actually looking to solve for real world problems.

CV Summit

CV Summit, held in Zug, Switzerland, was a completely different experience than Korea Blockchain Week and Token2049. While it was smaller, and only lasted two days, it was quite a networking experience with many established organizations taking part. KBW and Token2049 was full of entrepreneurs and startups, but many of the people I met were representing companies that had been in the industry for a long time, or was a Web2 company looking to expand into Web3. Certainly not the Web3 atmosphere as the others I have attended. I think this is partly due to the maturity of the industry.

As we are a partner of CV Labs, we were able to secure a booth and many of my colleagues also attended. It was great to see the gang get together for this one and work as a team.

It was an amazing experience being able to connect with potential leads, from supply chain, DAOs, and property deeds management using NFT companies being the notable companies. It felt like we are finally beginning to see a migration from an asset driven ecosystem to companies actually looking to solve for real world problems.

I also got a chance to network and meet with a variety of projects with whom I hope we can enter into some kind of a partnership. We have begun reaching out to them and will report back with updates soon.

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September 2023 update

September 2023 update

In September 2023, Partisia Blockchain made history with the launch of our revolutionary MetaMask integration, MetaMask Snaps, unlocking endless possibilities for over 100 million users. Alongside this milestone, we are excited to announce the onboarding of USDT and MATIC to our BYOC framework. In the community, Tiago Serôdio’s contributions to CoinTelegraph have been invaluable, and we have enhanced our Hivemind Huddles for a better experience. Our journey through Korea Blockchain Week and Token2049 in Singapore brought promising leads and partnership opportunities, while our Co-Founder Brian Gallagher delivered a compelling speech at IoTex’s side event. Stay tuned for more tech highlights from the team and further groundbreaking developments!

Partisia Blockchain’s pioneering integration with MetaMask

Last September marked a pivotal moment for Partisia Blockchain as we proudly introduced our MetaMask integration, MetaMask Snaps, ushering in a new era of possibilities for over 100 million users. This game-changing integration offers seamless transaction signing and paves the way for innovative cross-blockchain solutions, such as BYOC and MPC-as-a-service. Developers can now directly connect with their users, while millions can access our innovations securely. We are extremely excited about the potential this integration unlocks, so be sure to stay tuned for more developments.

For our ongoing work with the BYOC framework and onboarding additional tokens into our ecosystem, the Foundation will propose both USDT and MATIC as the first two tokens to get onboarded to the Hermes bridge through the BYOC framework. As a part of the onboarding, we will also create detailed instructions on how you as the community can also create proposals to onboard new tokens you wish to see on Partisia Blockchain.

Tiago Serôdio, Head of Community, made significant contributions in September. He published a noteworthy article on CoinTelegraph and contributed three expert panel commentaries, one of which highlighted MPC as a DID option for Proof-of-Humanity. In his writings, Tiago delved into blockchain explorers, the impact of CBDCs in the crypto space, and the promising potential of #MPC in self-sovereign identity, all featured in CoinTelegraph.

Community engagement takes a new shape

Responding to valuable feedback from our community members, we have reimagined our Hivemind Huddle experience. To make it more accessible and engaging, we have moved all Hivemind Huddles to On 22 September 2023, we hosted our first one on the platform. We delved into the world of MetaMask Snaps and their significance. Bruce Ahn, our Head of Developer Relations, shared his experiences and insights from Korea Blockchain Week, Token 2049, and more.

Korea Blockchain Week — building for privacy with passion

During our week of events at Korea Blockchain Week, we immersed ourselves in various activities, attending multiple side events, engaging in speaking opportunities (thanks to H.E.R. DAO), and collaborating with our Korean Ambassadors. Together, we championed the cause of privacy-driven innovation using Partisia Blockchain. Notably, we observed the absence of Layer 1 (L1) blockchains, indicative of the current market. On the bright side, there was a sizable increase in zero knowledge events, signaling a shift in the industry. These developments highlighted the growing recognition of interoperability in the blockchain space. The event also resulted in promising leads and partnership opportunities, especially in areas such as DID/SSI solutions, gaming, and ZKP technology.

Token2049 — increasing footprint in Singapore’s blockchain landscape

Our Token2049 visit offered an exciting glimpse into a city state known for its unique mix of cultures. The event-packed week showcased Singapore’s vibrant blockchain landscape with daily highlights. At Eth Singapore, we explored potential collaborations with various projects and discussed future prospects. Decompute, a dedicated MPC conference, demonstrated the growing emphasis on privacy solutions in blockchain, with mentions of Partisia Blockchain’s preprocessing method. We were proud sponsors of IoTex’s side event, where our Co-Founder Brian Gallagher delivered a compelling speech, presenting our interoperability model. We also took the opportunity to tease our future announcements. Token2049’s bustling main conference floor revealed a thriving blockchain space, with themes centered on ZKP, interoperability, NFTs, and service providers. This event generated a wealth of promising leads that we are eager to follow up on in the coming months.

New leads and record rewards

We have continued to see a large number of leads come in for the month of September, largely due to our participation in KBW and Token2049. While the lead numbers will fluctuate month by month, we feel this will continue with our additional participation in going to conferences in the future.

In total, 1,690,626.9629 MPC tokens will be paid out in rewards, almost 500,000 MPC more than the previous quarter. This is our largest quarterly distribution to date.

Exciting October plans

We are thrilled to announce our participation and sponsorship in this year’s CV Summit, taking place in the picturesque Swiss town of Zug on 3–4 October 2023. This event is a premier gathering for blockchain and crypto enthusiasts, and we wouldn’t want you to miss out on the action! At CV Summit, we are not just attending; we are taking center stage to showcase our groundbreaking Partisia Blockchain technology. This is your chance to witness firsthand how our innovative blockchain solutions are shaping the future of the industry. But that’s not all. We are also using this incredible platform to connect with potential partners, strengthen relationships with existing ones, and exchange insights with thought leaders in the field. It is an opportunity to be part of the conversation that is shaping the blockchain landscape. So, mark your calendars for 3–4 October 2023, and make your way to Zug to join us at CV Summit. Come meet Hinrich Pfeifer, Bakyt Azimkanov, Tiago Serôdio and Bruce Ahn at the event. Let’s forge new connections, explore fresh opportunities, and together, make the blockchain world a better place.

We have been working with a hackathon vendor to begin our second hackathon later this year. This will be an online hackathon, partnering with a large hackathon vendor to help increase both visibility to the project as well as onboard additional developers into our community. We are excited about having a few projects coming into mainnet very soon. We expect to see at least two apps going live in October. We will be announcing them soon with guides on how you can get engaged.

Looking ahead, we have some exciting events lined up for the community. In October, we will host our Q3 Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session with the Founders. We will share significant updates on our ongoing developments. Additionally, keep an eye out for an upcoming AMA featuring the first dApp set to deploy on our mainnet.

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Proposal: Adjustments to the ecosystem rewards for the upcoming rewards cycles

Proposal: Adjustments to the ecosystem rewards for the upcoming rewards cycles

In all blockchains, node operators are running their nodes to operate and secure the network. And the compensation model of the blockchain allows node operators to get compensated for maintaining/operating the protocol. On Partisia Blockchain the compensation is a mix of BYOC fees and rewards in MPC tokens. Rewards come from the ecosystem pool used to bootstrap the operation of the network.

Currently the distribution of rewards is the same for staking directly by a node operator account as for any other account that delegates staking to a node operator. On the other hand, node operators receive all BYOC fees. However, at this early stage of the network the main compensation as node operator is the rewards. Hence, to make the total compensation more fair to the node operators operating the network the following adjustment will be put up for voting among node operators: 2% of the rewards gained by delegated staking to be distributed to the node operators that they are staking to. This will allow a fairer staking rewards system where the node operators running the system will be compensated by the community stakers for providing the computing power to stake their tokens to and receive rewards.

A simple example for a community staker would be if the reward for your current period was 100 MPC tokens, during the rewards computation, 2 MPC tokens will be sent to the node you are staking to, and you will receive 98 MPC tokens. This will fairly compensate the node operator for operating the blockchain you are staking to receive your reward.

If you are a node operator, you will receive 2% of all the staking reward your node account generated for all the community stakers you are supporting.

As this is a governance matter for the chain, the proposal will be put to a vote for the block producing node operators to decide on. We suggest for those who are staking, that you reach out to your respective node operators and voice your thoughts with them directly. If passed, this will be implemented as a part of the Q6 reward cycle and subsequent cycles going forward.

We hope this will help create a more fair rewards distribution as well as promote node operators to continue to promote their nodes to the community to stake to.

Thank you for your continued support!