Celebrate the first exchange listing of $MPC with our contest

Celebrate the first exchange listing of $MPC with our contest

Hello, Partisia Blockchain enthusiasts!

We are pleased to announce an exciting community contest to celebrate the first exchange listings of $MPC. It is not just a celebration; it is a challenge that comes with rewards.

The challenge awaits.

We are calling on the traders, the streamers, the blockchain believers, and especially the early adopters who have been with us on this journey. The first three participants to post a live stream of themselves trading $MPC on any exchange will win a prize in $MPC tokens. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, this is your moment to shine and potentially earn some $MPC for your portfolio.

There are two ways you can participate.

1. Post a screenshot of a trade in any exchange:

  • Take a screenshot of an $MPC trade on any exchange.
  • Post the screenshot on Discord in the channel #listing-competition.
  • First 10 people to post a valid screenshot demonstrating an $MPC trade will earn 100 $MPC tokens each.
  • Remember that under no circumstance will any team member, ambassador or anyone else send you a direct message first. If you receive an unsolicited message assume it is a scam.
  • Fill in the form: To officially enter the contest, fill in this form.
  • BYOC Requirement: To qualify for the contest, your wallet must not be empty. It must contain any form of BYOC (Bring Your Own Coin). This is a gentle nod to our ecosystem’s interconnectivity and the utility of BYOC within our network. It also automatically qualifies you to the AirDrop Program.
    These steps are crucial to qualify for the prizes, so do not skip them.
  • Prizes will be sent one week after the contest ends, our team will reach out via email.


2. Live stream of a trade on any exchange:

  • Live stream your trade: Start by setting up your live stream. Show us your trading moves, strategies, and do not forget to share your thoughts on the $MPC and Partisia Blockchain.
  • Post your link: Once your stream is live, share the link in our Discord channel #listing-competition. Make sure your stream captures the essence of trading and the excitement around $MPC.
  • Timestamp confirmation: We will use the timestamp of the streaming platform to determine your entry time. This ensures fairness and transparency for all contestants.
  • BYOC Requirement: To qualify for the contest, your wallet must not be empty. It must contain any form of BYOC (Bring Your Own Coin). This is a gentle nod to our ecosystem’s interconnectivity and the utility of BYOC within our network. It also automatically qualifies you to the AirDrop Program.
  • Fill in the form: To officially enter the contest, fill in this form.
  • This step is crucial to qualify for the prizes, so do not skip it.
  • Prizes will be sent one week after the contest ends, our team will reach out via email.


Screenshot contest:

First 10 participants to post a valid screenshot of a trade will earn 100 $MPC each. Valid for each exchange that lists us within a one week period. Multiple entries per participant accepted.

Streaming to Parti.com:

  • 1 prize: 500 $MPC
  • 2 prize: 250 $MPC
  • 3 prize: 125 $MPC

Valid for each Exchange that lists us within a one week period. Multiple entries per participant accepted. The winners will be announced a week after the streaming ends.

Streaming to other platforms:

  • 1 prize: 300 $MPC
  • 2 prize: 150 $MPC
  • 3 prize: 75 $MPC

Valid for each Exchange that lists us within a one week period. Multiple entries per participant accepted. The winners will be announced a week after the streaming ends.

Why participate?

This contest is not just about winning prizes; it is a celebration of our community’s growth and the milestones we have achieved together. By participating, you are not just showcasing your trading prowess; you are also supporting the broader vision of Partisia Blockchain. It is a unique opportunity to be part of something bigger, to engage with like-minded individuals, and to help shape the future of decentralized trading and blockchain technology.

Ready, set, go!

We cannot wait to see your screenshots and live streams and share in the excitement of the first exchange listing of $MPC. Remember, it is not just about trading; it is about being part of a community that is pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology. Let’s make this contest a moment to remember.

Good luck to all participants. May the fastest traders win!

Happy trading,

Partisia Blockchain Community Team

February 2024 update

February 2024 update

From forging strategic partnerships at ETHDenver to launching our highly anticipated 25 million $MPC AirDrop program, the shortest month of the year has been a whirlwind of excitement and growth for Partisia Blockchain. We solidified ties with Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency, ventured into new realms with TeraBlock and Verida through engaging AMAs, celebrated the ingenuity of our hackathon winners, and embarked on a mission to empower Rust developers with TinTinLand. With fast track grants, educational initiatives, and a thriving community, we are ready for even greater success ahead. Thanks to our incredible community for your unwavering support – let’s make Q1 unforgettable!

Partnering with Georgia’s GITA to advance innovation

In early February 2024, Partisia Blockchain achieved a significant milestone in advancing innovation by solidifying ties with Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Partisia Blockchain will play a key role in shaping the minds of participants in GITA’s educational programs, contributing insights on MPC, homomorphic encryption and their integration with blockchain technology. This commitment to education reflects the shared vision of advancing technology while ensuring knowledge and understanding pave the way for a sustainable future.

Expanding reach through strategic partnerships at ETHDenver

ETHDenver was a platform for new partnerships, expanding our horizons and widening the reach of our unique technology. Trustswap, a provider of decentralized finance tools for token holders and Web3 businesses, is integrating Partisia Blockchain into their Crypto App, expanding MPC accessibility to 5 million users. Partisia Blockchain also partnered with Sierra Block Games, Web3 development, consulting and educational services organization, for validator services and adoption support. We will also collaborate with IoTex to realize the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN), safeguarding users’ IoT data ownership and monetization while rewarding data use without exposing confidential details. Together, they aim to protect users’ private IoT data and enable its secure utilization.

Partisia Blockchain’s highly anticipated 25 million MPC AirDrop program

We were thrilled to launch our first official AirDrop on 1 February, marking a significant milestone for ecosystem adoption. With the governance vote for MPC token transferability looming, this AirDrop underscored Partisia Blockchain’s vision. Boasting an impressive pool of 25 million $MPC tokens, it offered unparalleled opportunities for early adopters. The first tranche kick started ecosystem expansion. Participants gained firsthand experience with leading MPC and blockchain technology, secured the network, and explored innovative dApps. As we geared up for MPC token listing, this AirDrop invigorated the ecosystem. 

We were thrilled to see our AirDrop program resonate strongly with the community, especially given the impressive growth in our ecosystem. Since its inception, our ecosystem has witnessed remarkable progress:

  • BYOC TVL increase: 780%
  • Total wallets increase: 43%
  • BNB BYOC increase: 154%
  • ETH BYOC increase: 358%
  • MATIC BYOC increase: 6141%
  • USDC BYOC increase: 3169%
  • USDT BYOC increase: 1619%

These statistics underscore the growing momentum and enthusiasm within our community, and we have you to thank. Detailed participation information can be found on our official AirDrop page.

Fast Track Grants: empowering developers to drive growth

We launched our fast track grants in February 2024. These grants are geared toward developers planning to build something smaller in nature, and does not have to be geared toward building a business. We will pursue developers who wish to contribute to the community by building examples, PoC, and tools. For more information about our Grants Program, click here.

Engaging AMAs: Exploring new frontiers with TeraBlock and Verida

On 14 February, we held the second AMA with the up and coming cross-chain decentralized exchange TeraBlock. This time around we invited TeraBlock’s Shivam Tandon, Founder and CEO, and Muhammad Ali, Chief Commercial Officer, to provide insights from a non-developer’s perspective, on why Terablock is a game changer for DeFi, powered by the Partisia Blockchain. On 22 February, we held a dual AMA with ecosystem partner Verida. Mathias Glintborg, our Head of Product, and Chris Were, CEO of Verida, both introduced the projects to each other’s community, its use cases and technological achievements. An excellent primer for both data on decentralized Identity for Web3 (Verida) as well as multiparty computation.

Celebrating innovation: Highlights from our Hackathon winners

Our Building Privacy in Web3 Hackathon concluded with a bang. We announced six winners, all projects that showcase our unique capabilities. From random number generations to supply chain management to zero-knowledge games, developers came out to really showcase their talent and show us how our amazing technology can be used. We will be continuing to work with them to bring them into the mainstream.

Empowering Rust developers through TinTinLand’s learning program

Partisia Blockchain and TinTinLand are set to launch a learning program aimed at attracting more Rust developers to our ecosystem. Currently, only 22,000 out of 30 million global developers are engaged in Web3. The collaboration aims to scale the developer ecosystem and unlock the Chinese developer community, attract new Rust developers from China, organize hackathons, workshops, and developer meetups, and promote our Grants Program. Together, we hope to expand developer engagement and foster growth within our ecosystem, particularly in China.

Thanks again to our amazing community for your dedicated support, we look forward to an exciting end to Q1 next month.

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Bringing zero-knowledge technology to Georgia in a historic partnership

Bringing zero-knowledge technology to Georgia in a historic partnership

Last week, the Partisia Blockchain team journeyed to Georgia, a land rich in cultural heritage as the birthplace of wine and now at the forefront of blockchain innovation. Here is a short recap of our fruitful trip.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with leading GITA agency

Last Thursday marked a milestone as Partisia Blockchain formalized its collaboration with the Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This pivotal agreement with GITA under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development sets the stage for collaborative efforts aimed at driving advancements in Web3 technology, both within Georgia and the wider Caucasus. By leveraging their combined expertise and resources, Partisia Blockchain and GITA will explore innovative solutions and applications of blockchain technology, fostering joint support for innovative projects, educational initiatives and frameworks for implementation. This collaboration signifies a commitment to shaping the digital transformation landscape, contributing to economic growth, innovation and societal development in Georgia and beyond.

Expanding the Partisia Blockchain community and ecosystem

Our team had the pleasure of meeting with members of the Georgian Web 3.0 community, where we showcased the transformative potential of Partisia Blockchain and multiparty computation (MPC) technology, our latest MOCCA solution and a range of other advantages of MPC. Additionally, we introduced our Grants Program aimed at fostering innovation in the Caucasus. In Tbilisi, we were treated to an exclusive demo of the Nova Miningverse video game, a tangible showcase of Partisia Blockchain’s capabilities. This was followed by an informal meeting with the team behind the game.

Strategic discussions continued

Last Friday began with a meeting with Razhden Kuprashvili, Head of the Georgian Anti-Corruption Bureau and his team at the Administration of the Government of Georgia. We discussed the potential of MPC and blockchain technology in combating corruption. Later, we exchanged ideas with entrepreneur Vako Turnava at the offices of his companies Sweeft and Skillwill. Conversations revolved around the various applications of MPC and privacy-enhancing technologies, emphasizing the importance of education and training.

This trip showcased the possibilities of blockchain technology and strengthened our commitment to driving positive change in Georgia and beyond. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation and collaboration in the world of Web 3.0.

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