How to Bridge BYOC tokens using Browser in Partisia Blockchain

How to Bridge BYOC tokens using Browser in Partisia Blockchain

The following are the requirements and step by step process of how to bridge tokens into the Partisia Blockchain network.

Remember that in the Partisia Blockchain, other liquid tokens are used to pay for gas.  To transact in the network, you need to bridge the supported tokens first.

For more detailed description of the steps, please review further below or watch the video:

Step 1: Go to and sign in using your MPC wallet

Step 2: After you sign in, choose “My account” on the left side and then choose BYOC

Step 3: Choose the token you wish to bridge and select Deposit (or withdraw to withdraw your tokens)  Then sign into Metamask

Step 4: Enter the amount you wish to bridge and click on “Deposit”

Step 5: Sign the transaction in metamask and complete the transfer

If you run into any issues, please request for help in our community channels or submit a ticket in Discord.

Thank you for being a part of our community!

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Partisia Blockchain unveils a new brand

Partisia Blockchain unveils a new brand

ZUG, 8 NOVEMBER 2023. Partisia Blockchain, a trailblazer in the world of blockchain technology, has embarked on a transformative rebranding journey, fortifying its visual identity, logo and refreshing its website. This strategic initiative, a collaborative endeavor with the renowned Irish creative studio Big+Bold, was undertaken to solidify Partisia Blockchain for its upcoming launch and the establishment of pivotal partnerships, marking a seismic shift in the demand of blockchain technology for enterprise, institutions, and government entities.

The meticulous brand reappraisal has positioned Partisia Blockchain as the eminent destination for privacy-conscious organizations, poised to have a profound and enduring impact on the domains of enterprise blockchain and individual privacy.

The Partisia Blockchain website has undergone a transformation, signaling the imminent introduction of new features, the on-chain launch of projects, the diversification of our community, and a warm welcome to institutional users who are preparing to embrace the blockchain.

In an era of groundbreaking computational concepts, Partisia Blockchain’s new logo reaffirms our commitment to people-centric innovation, emphasizing the human dimension in our technological pursuits. This visual symbol serves as a beacon, guiding our path toward building solutions that resonate with and empower individuals at the core of our mission.

Kurt Nielsen, President and Co-Founder of Partisia Blockchain, says:

“Our new logo is more than just an emblem. It is a statement of our unwavering dedication to human-centered innovation. In a world of intricate technological concepts, our logo reminds us that our ultimate goal is to serve and empower people through our cutting-edge solutions. It is a symbol that encapsulates our mission and values, embodying the profound connection between technology and humanity. The new logo not only reflects the evolution of Partisia Blockchain but also underlines our commitment to transparency, accessibility, and innovation, placing people at the forefront of our brand identity.”

This refreshed brand identity serves to reinforce Partisia Blockchain’s unique position as an organization that prioritizes real-world adoption through practical use cases, empowering value creation through the twin principles of privacy protection and transparency.

Bakyt Azimkanov, Head of Communications at Partisia Blockchain, says:

“Our collaboration with Big+Bold has been an endeavor of mutual benefit, culminating in a comprehensive brand reappraisal that positions us seamlessly for our upcoming expansion and the anticipated surge in adoption. The significance of branding cannot be overemphasized; it is the linchpin for driving value and attracting institutional players to our ecosystem. We believe that our reimagined brand positioning will resonate across a diverse spectrum of users seeking privacy solutions, including government and public sector entities, healthcare and pharmaceutical corporations, financial services, and beyond.”

The refreshed visual identity not only underscores our unwavering dedication to our core mission but also reaffirms our commitment to establishing a Web3 infrastructure devoid of a single point of trust, enabling the secure use of both public and private information across all platforms. This unparalleled capability is fortified by our groundbreaking multiparty computation (MPC), a technology offering unrivaled privacy protection, interoperability, and scalability.

David Nurse, Managing Director at Big+Bold, says:

“Partisia Blockchain’s unique solution for preserving privacy sets it apart in the world of Web3 organizations. As a fourth generation blockchain harnessing groundbreaking secure multiparty computation (MPC) technology, the brand must effectively communicate its exceptional features, including innovation, interoperability, and scalability. Our overarching goal was to future proof Partisia Blockchain’s brand, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with its core mission and is fully equipped to lead the way into the future.”

Partisia Blockchain extends an open invitation to developers, enterprise users, and the broader community to explore our expanding ecosystem and experience firsthand the transformative potential of MPC technology.

About Partisia Blockchain: Partisia Blockchain brings unparalleled opportunities by empowering privacy-preserving, interoperable and sustainable innovation for fairness and transparency. It fuels the most secure and efficient networks to solve global problems. Distilled with 35 years of rigorous research, Partisia Blockchain future-proofs solutions, solves tomorrow’s challenges by powering fair, secure, distribution of benefits. While preserving privacy and confidentiality, it brings accountable, transparent and decentralized governance. Learn more:

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October 2023 update

October 2023 update

As the year is slowly approaching its end, the Partisia Blockchain team met in Aarhus, Denmark, to take stock and laser focus near-term plans. Throughout a week-long strategy meeting in the heart of Jutland, key actions were identified for the last quarter of this year and the first three months of 2024. With many plans in sight, the next three months promise to be busy.

New faces of the team

As progress in the year continues, Partisia Blockchain is thrilled to introduce some new faces to our team, which promises exciting changes in October and November 2023.

Welcoming Shirly Valge — expanding partnerships

We are delighted to introduce Shirly Valge as our new Head of External Relations and Partnerships. With an impressive background that includes a significant role at Velas Network, Shirly brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our team. Her primary focus will be on strengthening our partnership network, elevating our industry presence, and nurturing strategic alliances. This appointment underscores our ongoing commitment to leadership excellence and talent acquisition.

Introducing Mathias Glintborg — leading technical program management

Say hello to Mathias Glintborg, who now heads our Technical Program Management as the Senior Technical Program Manager. Mathias, formerly the CTO at canow in Tokyo, comes with a proven track record of shaping innovative blockchain solutions. His responsibilities encompass overseeing secure multiparty computation (MPC) and enhancing blockchain solutions for areas like DeFi, data sharing, and digital identity. He also offers valuable insights on design and architecture to our development teams. Mathias plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficient project planning and execution.

As we look ahead, November promises more remarkable additions to our team and exciting community initiatives. The journey of Partisia Blockchain is ever-evolving, so stay tuned!

Conference circuit of October

Let’s dive into a whirlwind of exciting events that took place this month:

CV Summit — A networking experience

Our journey started at CV Summit in Zug, Switzerland, which offered a unique networking experience. This event, different from the others we have attended, saw participation from well-established organizations. It was a testament to the industry’s maturity as we witnessed a shift from asset-driven ecosystems to real-world problem-solving. As partners of CV Labs, we secured a booth and connected with potential leads in supply chain, DAOs, and NFT-based property deeds management.

EthMilan — Embracing Web3

Heading south to EthMilan in Lombardy, Bruce Ahn our Head of Developer Relations participated in the first major Web3 conference and joined a panel discussion on DAOs. This felt like a great Web3 conference, highlighting ZK, DAOs, DeFi projects, and the importance of privacy. It was enlightening to witness the maturation of DAOs and explore the need for privacy in the space.

D3 Bahamas — Shirly shines

Our new Head of External Relations and Partnerships, Shirly Valge, excelled on a panel discussing institutional Web3 adoption. She shared valuable insights on how large financial institutions can embrace blockchain-based technology.

Web3 MeshMeet in Dubai — Bridging crypto minds

Sponsored by Partisia Blockchain, the Web3 MeshMeet event in Dubai was an opportunity to connect with industry leaders and foster crypto partnerships. Thanks to all the sponsors and those who joined us!

NexTech — Meeting the Cardano community

Chief Product Officer, Mark Bundgaard, and VP of Engineering, Jesper Gravgaard, had a fantastic meetup with the Cardano community in Japan. They were excited to discuss the ADA token bridge, MPC, and Partisia Blockchain’s future.

European Blockchain Convention — Shaping the future

Mathias Glintborg attended the European Blockchain Convention in Barcelona, a celebration of Web3 innovation. It was heartening to see industry experts appreciating our contributions to privacy-enhancing technologies and blockchain infrastructure. The convention featured enlightening talks on topics such as privacy, secure infrastructure, Real World Assets (RWA), digital identity, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, and interoperability.


We held another successful Quarterly AMA on 9 October 2023. The leadership team discussed the latest developments and shared exclusive insights including details on our Metamask integration. Catch the replay of our Quarterly AMA on our YouTube channel and stay tuned on our channels for the next one!

Our first dApp is launching soon on Partisia Blockchain! Blockchain Ads is the first dApp to launch on mainnet in Partisia Blockchain. Click here to learn more about them and in the coming weeks we will provide more information on how to get onboarded and be rewarded for your data.

We are also participating in multiple events this month! From Cardano Summit in Dubai to PET Summit in Singapore to our online hackathon, which will be launched with DevPost, we have a packed schedule coming up in November. There is more in store so keep up to date with announcements in our social channels.

On the project front, we announced DelNorte that is working with multiple governments in Latin America and is now building on Partisia Blockchain. Learn more about them here on our Medium article and a video interview with the founder

Ambassador Program enhancements

The month of November is an important date for Partisia Blockchain Ambassadors. After meeting all the necessary regulatory requirements, the Partisia Blockchain Foundation is now able to distribute rewards to Ambassadors for their contributions to the advancement of our mission.

A lot of foundational groundwork has also been executed that will position the Partisia Blockchain’s Ambassador Program as the most advanced in its class.

The Ambassador Program, while technically still in the private alpha stage, is intended to transition to a public beta around Q2 2024. Stay tuned for more updates.

Tech updates in brief:

This month

  • PBC Wallet updated to a new version.

Next month

  • Our Node Operators will vote on adding USDT and MATIC token will be onboarded using our BYOC framework.
  • Bridging functionality will be added to our browser.
  • The vote for the 2% MPC token rewards tax to node operators will be voted upon this month.

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