Secure voting through Partisia Blockchain
Voting is an integral part of the election process. It is important to have transparent and tamper-proof voting systems that can be trusted through no single centralized authority whether it is selecting your class president in high school, voting as a shareholder in a listed company or electing government officials.
Through the distributed ledger system, we have a way to ensure transparency where all votes can be logged in an immutable record system. Each voter is accounted for in the blockchain. When the vote is cast, both voter ID as well as who or what they voted for is also recorded in a permanent way. But what about the privacy of the individuals and whom they casted their votes for?

This is one of many challenges Partisia Blockchain solves though the use of cryptography and mathematics. Through multiparty computation (MPC) technology, our solution shows verifiable proof of an accurate election without revealing any details about the voter. But how does this work?

Multiparty computation is a technology created in the 1980s that allows computation of results while keeping their input private, enabling trust between mutually distrustful parties. In the voting example, we use shamir’s secret sharing to have the smart contract create a random line that intersects with the vote details that have been vectorized. In the example below, candidate 1 is represented by 0 and candidate 2 is represented by 1. Four random points are chosen from this line, and each point is sent to a separate MPC node for computation. Through these lines, we can compute on finding the winner without revealing who each person voted for.

For additional insights on this use case, come and watch our Q&A session we did on this topic.
By creating a programming language that allows for developers to use MPC in a generic way, Partisia Blockchain Foundation has made the creation of applications that can harness the power of MPC for different use cases a possibility. Partisia has been at the forefront of providing private MPC solutions since 2008. And by layering this technology on top of an interoperable and scalable blockchain, Partisia Blockchain is now paving a way for anyone to create solutions that can balance privacy and transparency to build trust.
To learn more about different use cases or partner with us for solutions, please visit, check out our smart contract examples or email our head of developer relations at