May 2023 update

A month of celebration and thriving ecosystem

May was packed with exciting updates and announcements in the Partisia Blockchain ecosystem. We showcased our groundbreaking Random Number Generation (RNG) solution, highlighted impressive projects building on our platform, and launched, an innovative launchpad for creators. We extend our thanks to the node operators and community members who participated in voting and congratulate Professor Ivan Damgård for receiving the prestigious Dijkstra Prize.

We also had the privilege of participating in the Cardano EMURGO × DoraHacks Hackathon, where we showcased the potential of MPC technology. Join us as we explore the latest tech updates and advancements in the Partisia Blockchain ecosystem and beyond.

Partisia Blockchain ecosystem continues to grow

This month, we have had several exciting updates and announcements within the Partisia Blockchain ecosystem. Firstly, we showcased Partisia Blockchain’s groundbreaking Random Number Generation (RNG) solution, which utilizes MPC and smart contracts to ensure secure and unbiased random number generation. With this solution, developers can achieve a high level of security and trust by eliminating biases and predictability.

Partisia Blockchain has also shone a spotlight on its vibrant ecosystem, featuring an array of impressive projects that have chosen to build on our platform. Kin, the Web3 ad-free search engine, disrupts the market with its community-driven approach and commitment to privacy. Blockchain-Ads fills a significant gap, enabling Web3 brands to reach their target audience effectively. eTrusty tackles corruption and enhances transparency in the procurement market. Thousand Faces supports female founders through a reward-based crowdfunding platform, addressing the gender gap in funding. Additionally, MetaNames, a decentralized Domain Name System (DNS), allows users to create human-readable domain names linked to Partisia addresses, smart contracts, social profiles, and IPFS content.

This month also marked the launch of, the Insights Network’s innovative launchpad built on the Partisia Blockchain. empowers creators by providing Web3 technology and cryptocurrency transactions for content monetization. The platform offers unprecedented control over creative output while enabling creators to earn revenue through self-hosted cryptocurrency. With an inclusive and user-friendly design, ensures complete ownership and control of funds, accessible through a straightforward account setup process via Discord or Twitter login.

Next month, we are excited to continue our focus on highlighting our innovative solutions and showcasing the diverse projects thriving within the Partisia Blockchain ecosystem.

We want to extend our thanks to all the dedicated node operators and passionate community members who actively participated in the voting process on the proposals presented by the Partisia Blockchain Foundation’s Council. Your unwavering support is invaluable in shaping the future of Partisia Blockchain. Check out the voting result here.

We also want to give our warmest congratulations to Professor Ivan Damgård, Chief Cryptographer at Partisia, for receiving the prestigious 2023 Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing for the groundbreaking paper “Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols,” co-authored by David Chaum and Claude Crepeau. Congratulations to Professor Ivan and the team on this well-deserved honor!

MPC’s superiority and new projects choosing Partisia Blockchain

On 23 May 2023, we had the privilege to participate in the Cardano EMURGO × DoraHacks Hackathon, where Jesper Gravgaard, Partisia Blockchain Senior Manager, showcased the immense potential of MPC technology and how our blockchain-as-a-service can revolutionize the Cardano ecosystem. Jesper’s presentation highlighted the advantages of incorporating privacy into existing applications, emphasizing the benefits it brings. You can find the presentation on our YouTube Channel.

We are thrilled to witness the rapid growth of our ecosystem with the addition of new projects building on Partisia Blockchain. Our partners, including Ballotboxx and veric-io, have been making significant progress to contribute to the expansion of our chain. Stay tuned for more exciting ecosystem spotlights in the upcoming month as we continue to foster the growth and development of our vibrant community.

ETH price oracle in the works

The development team was busy working on many new features in May. Alongside the changes needed for the token vesting change, we deployed:

  • Phase 1 of the Block Explorer functionality inside the browser,
  • Launched price oracle in testnet,
  • Rosetta improvements for easier partnership integration,
  • Enabled Memo on transactions between transfers.

In June, we will be working on additional functionality for the indexing tool for the browser, working toward bringing online the ETH price oracle in production, as well as moving forward with work on our decentralized exchange.

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