First tranche has ended, next one coming!

Keep your BYOC assets bridged on Partisia Blockchain to qualify for the next AirDrop tranche. Stay tuned for the first tranche claims to open.


Partisia Blockchain offers trust, transparency, privacy, and speed-of-light finalization. It is a pioneering technology that redefines how we approach privacy and scalability on the blockchain. What sets Partisia Blockchain apart is its unique combination of advanced cryptographic techniques and distributed computing principles. By leveraging secure multiparty computation (MPC), Partisia Blockchain ensures privacy preservation without sacrificing efficiency or security.

BYOC stands for “Bring Your Own Coin”. It is a unique tokenomics where the gas payments on Partisia Blockchain is paid using other liquid coins like ETH and USDT from Ethereum, BNB from BNB Chain, MATIC and USDC from Polygon.

You will need a MetaMask wallet to bridge your token into Partisia Blockchain. To interact with the tokens once bridged, you can use a combination of site and MetaMask Snaps or the MPC Wallet.

The MPC token is the native token of the Partisia Blockchain. These tokens are used for staking and bootstrapping the ecosystem with MPC tokens as rewards.